Custom CMS to WordPress

Well, this is an actual problem. About 60% of web is based on custom PHP, ASP, Perl custom scripts and content management systems. However I believe most of those websites are ready to migrate to some popular and modern CMS’s like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal …

All my friends are website administrators and they have already do their research about this issue.  There are three ways to do this migration:

  1. If you’re a web developer and can create “Custom CMS to WordPress” converter script
  2. Rent some freelancer and ask him to create this script
  3. Use professional services like gConverter, Profprojects …

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This may help to increase your site visitors and PageRank

Yes, this is something not usual, however this can increase your site visitors and this will be a new good back-link to your site for Google PageRank.

I found a good suggestion in the CMSFeedback Community. They ask webmasters to create a new topic in according CMS subforum with your site URL and list of plugins you’ve used. So peaple will be able to see alive example of site made on that CMS. They’ll discuss about your site functions and features, as a lot of questions about your site and visit to your site. I think such a discussions may be very useful for your website.

The registration is very easy, just username, email and password.
Then find the according subforum ( for your forum software ) and create a new topic with this template:

Topic title should be: SITE: Your Site Title

Topic Body text template:

[b]Site URL:[/b] [url][/url]
[b]Based on:[/b] CMS Name
[b]Installed plugins:[/b]
[li]Plugin Name 1[/li]
[li]Plugin Name 2[/li]
[b]Installed theme:[/b] Theme name
[b]Description:[/b] Summary about your site…

[img][/img] …

This may help to grow your forum

I know the CMSFeadback community, I just noticed they’ve added a new interesting suggestion. You can add your forum URL with all details in according subforum. Here is what do they say:

Add your forum information in our forum.

Please use the corresponding subforum. Also please do not forget to add names of all plugins you use in your forum. This will help people to understand the features and the expandability of that Forum Board. For example, if your forum is based on phpBB, you can create a new topic in the phpBB subforum.

This can be tracked as technical support, however this will bring you a lot of people’s attentions to your forum. People will discuss about your site’s functions and feature, they’ll ask how have you created those, what plugins have you used and so on… I think such a discussions can be very helpful to grow your forum.

Registration is very easy, just username, email and password.

Then find the according subforum ( for your forum software ) and create a new topic with this template:

Topic title should be: FORUM: Your Forum Title

Topic body text template:

[b]Forum URL:[/b] [url][/url]
[b]Based on:[/b] Forum Software Name
[b]Installed plugins:[/b]
[li]Plugin Name 1[/li]
[li]Plugin Name 2[/li]
[b]Installed theme:[/b] Theme name
[b]Description:[/b] Summary about your forum...

[img][/img] ...